Trigonon Review
iPhone App
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Trigonon Review

Our Review by Jennifer Allen on March 16th, 2011
Rating: starstarstarhalfstarblankstar :: INTERESTING
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It's got some lofty ideas but ultimately, Trigonon is a fairly standard yet challenging and satisfying puzzle game.

Developer: Just Funny Games
Price: $0.99
Version Reviewed: 1.0.0
Device Reviewed On: iPhone 4

Graphics / Sound Rating: starstarstarstarblankstar
Game Controls Rating: starstarstarhalfstarblankstar
Gameplay Rating: starstarstarhalfstarblankstar
Replay Value Rating: starstarstarblankstarblankstar

Overall Rating: starstarstarhalfstarblankstar

Trigonon is a curious puzzle game. Covering similar ground to many other titles, the focus is placed on a complex web of descriptions that makes you think Trigonon is more complicated than it actually is. It's not very complicated but it is a fairly enjoyable yet standard puzzler.

First of all, take a look at the App store description: 'Trigonon is a puzzle game which leads you into an amazing journey inside your mind'. A lofty ambition, right? It's not really. The entire concept of the game is that you direct your 'thoughts' by moving them with barriers in order for them to be captured by 'positive energy fields'. In reality, you bounce the marbles around the screen with the barriers until they land into the energy thing that you've activated by tapping on it. Trigonon would do well to accept that sometimes it's not cool to make things sound excessively clever. It's a similar tale with the descriptions of each level which could do with a simpler sentence structure.

Despite this, admittedly fairly shallow complaint, Trigonon offers a quite enjoyable yet immediately challenging puzzle experience. At first it seems simple. You can just place the barrier in the relevant place and watch the marble bounce its way to the energy field. The problem is that the barriers aren't keen to move in an obvious manner. Once they're placed, all you can do is destroy them rather than move them. Precision is absolutely key to success. It gets tough and fast. In later stages, connections are needed to help you traverse areas, thus making the game even more challenging.

That's without mentioning the strict time limit that you have to keep a close eye on if you have any plans on progressing to the next level. Miss that bronze level time and you need to start over. To achieve a gold medal, you'll have to have lightening fast reactions as well as a bit of luck on your side too. Don't count on attaining many of these, even during early stages.

There are 40 levels in all to Trigonon. I'm going to admit now that I didn't manage to complete them all. It really is a tough title. It is a quite enjoyable title though. It doesn't stand out from the crowd enough to be unmissable but nor is it a game to avoid. It's just very standard fare with aspirations to be something really special thanks to some cool presentational aspects. It gets close to special at least though.

Oh and just a heads up, I had to restart my iPhone for this to work after installation so don't panic if you just get a black screen at first. It all worked fine once I rebooted.

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iPhone Screenshots

(click to enlarge)

Trigonon screenshot 1 Trigonon screenshot 2 Trigonon screenshot 3 Trigonon screenshot 4
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