Sorter Review
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Sorter Review

Our Review by Bonnie Eisenman on May 14th, 2010
Rating: starstarstarhalfstarblankstar :: SIMPLE & SWEET
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Sorter is a simple game of sorting (you guessed it!) that quickly escalates into madness. Though it isn't complex and a few tweaks would be nice, Sorter is still a nice time-waster.

Developer: Albert Omoss
Price: $0.99
Version Reviewed: 1.0.1

Graphics / Sound Rating: starstarstarstarblankstar
Game Controls Rating: starstarstarblankstarblankstar
Gameplay Rating: starstarstarstarblankstar

Re-use / Replay Value Rating: starstarstarstarblankstar

Overall Rating: starstarstarhalfstarblankstar

With a name like "Sorter," you pretty much know what you're getting into. Sorter is all about sorting things: colorful, robotic time bombs, to be exact, which have to be placed into their respective bins. Throw in a few power-ups, and the game is complete. While it's nothing breathtakingly new, Sorter's simple premise quickly escalates into a captivating, chaotic race.

When you start, you have only one level to chose from. Colored time bombs come from slots on the side; the red and blue color bins are located at the top and bottom ends. At first the colors appear slowly, but as you play the rate increases. After reaching 250 points, you'll unlock another level. Each level progressively adds more colors as well as dispensers, creating even more chaos. By the end of it, you're juggling the entire rainbow.

Power-ups are thrown into the mix, too: rainbow-colored bombs clear the field when dropped into any bin, while colored bombs with stars will cause all bombs of their color to clear. The power-ups aren't major additions, but they do add a thin layer of strategy to a simple game.

The game itself runs pretty well. Controls are touch-and-drag, though for some inexplicable reason multi-touch isn't supported. Also, there seems to be some lag when grabbing the time bombs, which gets annoying at later levels. Other than that, the app works fine; high scores are included (both global and local) and you have the option to listen to your own music.

Sorter is a lot of fun. It gets chaotic, and as a result the game is pretty compelling even though it's not groundbreaking. Simple is often good. Sorter isn't perfect, but it's still plenty of fun. Be sure to watch the YouTube video to get a clear picture of the fast-paced game in action!

iPhone Screenshots

(click to enlarge)

Sorter screenshot 1 Sorter screenshot 2 Sorter screenshot 3 Sorter screenshot 4 Sorter screenshot 5
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