Nun Attack Origins: Yuki's Silent Quest Review
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Nun Attack Origins: Yuki's Silent Quest Review

Our Review by Jennifer Allen on June 25th, 2014
Rating: starstarstarstarblankstar :: DASHING NUNS
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Nuns are tougher than you think, as we learn in this action puzzle game that's quite fun.

Developer: Frima Studios
Price: $1.99
Version Reviewed: 1.03
Device Reviewed On: iPhone 5

Graphics / Sound Rating: starstarstarstarblankstar
Game Controls Rating: starstarstarstarblankstar
Gameplay Rating: starstarstarstarblankstar
Replay Value Rating: starstarstarhalfstarblankstar

Overall Rating: starstarstarstarblankstar

With a name like Nun Attack Origins: Yuki's Silent Quest, it's tough not to pay attention to such absurdity. This isn't a game that's as bizarre as it sounds, although the setting is certainly quite unconventional.

Players control Yuki, a Nun who's also a Ninja, as she attempts to eradicate evil in her province and save the many missing orphans that are scattered around. She's got the skills, sure, but like any ninja her great strengths come from the element of surprise. Each level is a form of puzzle, pitting Yuki against a series of enemies while she attempts to figure out how to save the orphans. Those orphans are stuck in cages so Yuki has to leap from one area to another, snagging them along the way.

Nun Attack Origins: Yuki's Silent Quest uses one-touch controls so it's simple to learn. A swipe across the screen causes Yuki to leap in an appropriate direction, hopefully taking out an enemy along the way or grabbing a lost orphan. Sometimes it's possible to do both. The challenge comes from two significant factors: the enemies can't be attacked from the front as Yuki isn't strong enough, and also the presence of gaining three stars in each stage.

Each star is gained for completing things in a certain way. Speed is important as each level is timed, but completing a stage within a specific number of moves is also important. Finally, there's the need to find all the orphans. It can be tricky to complete all three objectives, particularly the first time, so multiple replays are often required. Figuring things out is all part of Nun Attack Origins: Yuki's Silent Quest's charm though. While it might look more action-packed than most, it's actually a pretty tactical affair and all the better for it.

Thanks to that, Nun Attack Origins: Yuki's Silent Quest is a fairly solidly dependable puzzle game with action elements.

iPhone Screenshots

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iPad Screenshots

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