Blackwell 3: Convergence Review
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Blackwell 3: Convergence Review

Our Review by Jennifer Allen on July 10th, 2014
Rating: starstarstarhalfstarblankstar :: UNCHALLENGING ADVENTURING
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Not quite as strong as the original installment, Blackwell 3: Convergence is never less than thoroughly likeable and entertaining.

Developer: Wadjet Eye Games
Price: $2.99
Version Reviewed: 1.9
Device Reviewed On: iPhone 5

Graphics / Sound Rating: starstarstarstarblankstar
Game Controls Rating: starstarstarstarblankstar
Gameplay Rating: starstarstarstarblankstar
Replay Value Rating: starstarstarblankstarblankstar

Overall Rating: starstarstarhalfstarblankstar

Picking up six months after the conclusion of Blackwell 1: Legacy, Blackwell 3: Convergence starts out with you helping the ghost of a businessman who's jumped off a skyscraper. It soon dives into deeper fare with art galleries and film studios becoming the focus of the investigation. While Blackwell 3: Convergence is far from challenging, it's a return to form for the most part after a weaker second offering.

For the most part it's business as usual for Rosa and Joey, with plenty of switching between the two characters keeping the action flowing as well as opening up some new observations on other characters. The puzzles are almost too simple now, being often a matter of simply chatting your way through most obstacles, but that does open up the potential for some decent plot development and storytelling. It's something that the Blackwell series has been great at so far and Blackwell 3: Convergence continues down that route.

The notebook makes a return to Blackwell 3: Convergence, but annoyingly it's no longer used to combine clues, reducing its effectiveness. It's also another reminder of just how linear Blackwell 3: Convergence is. This isn't a series about allowing for deviating from the standard path.

As a storytelling device though, Blackwell 3: Convergence is a fine game - even if it lacks any real challenge. By this point in the series you'll be attached to the characters, and understandably so. Rosa has developed into a much stronger character than at first and it's great to see such development.

Consistently likeable and with a noticeable graphical upgrade, Blackwell 3: Convergence will leave you keen for more, which is somewhat unfortunate given that the final two installments aren't out until later in the year.

iPhone Screenshots

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iPad Screenshots

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Blackwell 3: Convergence screenshot 6 Blackwell 3: Convergence screenshot 7 Blackwell 3: Convergence screenshot 8 Blackwell 3: Convergence screenshot 9 Blackwell 3: Convergence screenshot 10
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