I'm Aquarius Review
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I'm Aquarius Review

Our Review by Nadia Oxford on April 29th, 2014
Rating: starstarstarhalfstarblankstar :: AGE OF AQUARIUS
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I'm Aquarius is a pretty basic arcade/rhythm game, but it's enjoyable for a time - and its soundtrack is great.

Developer: Because Music
Price: FREE
Version Reviewed: 1.0.4
App Reviewed on: iPhone 5

Graphics / Sound Rating: starstarstarstarblankstar
Gameplay Rating: starstarstarhalfstarblankstar
Playtime Rating: starstarstarhalfstarblankstar
Re-use / Replay Value Rating: starstarstarhalfstarblankstar

Overall Rating: starstarstarhalfstarblankstar

Despite the fact that I'm Aquarius is a game filled with death-beams and explosive mines, playing it actually provides a relaxing experience. That's almost certainly because of the deep, thudding background music, which is a reworking the actual song I'm Aquarius by English band Metronomy. Obviously, this is one to play with headphones.

I'm Aquarius the game is an action/arcade title that also carries a dash of rhythm. Players control a spaceship carrying a musically-inclined cosmonaut named Joe Mount (named after Metronomy's lead singer, of course). Obstacles like laser canons, mines, and asteroids are everywhere, and their menacing presence only becomes thicker as the player progresses into deeper space.

There aren't any weapons in I'm Aquarius. The player's survival depends on sharp reflexes. Holding the right side of the screen sends Joe's ship to the right, while holding the left side sends it swerving left. Holding both sides at the same time jets the ship forward. The player needs to navigate in and around obstacles with clever movements.

There is one surefire way to dodge danger: Listen to the music. I'm Aquarius' background beat is a lyric-less interpretation of its namesake song. Lasers fire and mines explode alongside the rumbles and the thuds. Players will survive a lot longer if they pay attention. And the longer they live, the higher their score will be. Placing top on the in-game leaderboards takes dexterity as well as skill.

Placing on top also takes practice. Though the game's controls are responsive, it takes some time to get a feel for the ship's weight and momentum. Moving forward can be tricky, as doing so requires the player to hit both sides of the screen at the same time. Hitting the right or left side of the screen a fraction of a second too early can mean death.

I'm Aquarius isn't the deepest or most intense rhythm game up for grabs, but it definitely works as a simple, calming distraction. Try it before bedtime for some mellow dreams.

iPhone Screenshots

(click to enlarge)

I’m Aquarius screenshot 1 I’m Aquarius screenshot 2 I’m Aquarius screenshot 3 I’m Aquarius screenshot 4 I’m Aquarius screenshot 5
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