This Saturday, developer and publisher Tap4Fun will introduce an ‘epic’ new update to massively multiplayer online strategy game King’s Empire.

The update will introduce a brand-new expansion called 'Dragon Island' to the game and also push co-operative missions. You’ll also be encouraged to create giant fleets of evolved battle-hungry warriors that are capable are taking down the larger and more powerful dragons that you’ll encounter.

The update will also mark the beginning of a special King’s Empire call-back event. During this event, you’ll be able earn free goodies by inviting your friends back to the game. In fact, both you and your friends will nab some free gifts if you successfully encourage them to return.

You (the inviter) will receive five Painites Package Lv3, 50 Ring of the Fallen, and 20,000 Savage Spear, for instance, while your buddy (the invitee) will gain 100 Gem, 10,000 Royal Knight, and five War Order.

If you decide to return to King’s Empire following this update, you’ll also receive a range of special bonuses for a seven day period.

You’ll receive a daily Return Pack, which features five Ancient Relics and a Blood Pact Lv2 among other useful items, for example, and your recruiting and building times will be slashed by 30% and 50% respectively, too.

You can download King’s Empire Deluxe [download] from the App Store right now for free. Give it a try.

This article is sponsored as part of Steel Media Preferred Partners.

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