What's New

We want to MARCH right into this update by saying Kanvas Keyboard just got easier, smarter and prettier! (pun intended)

Smart Typing!
Type a word and leave it up to our Keyboard to offer suggestions, automatic corrections and add punctuations. Swipe up, down, left and right to auto complete, skip to the next line, delete words and to add punctuation.

Colorful Themes!
Choose from 10 different keyboard color schemes to personalize your keyboard to look the way you want!

No habla ingles? No problema! Kanvas Keyboard is now available in over 50 languages!

Sticker & Gif Search!
- Thousands of stickers and gifs at your fingertips from popular websites Giphy, Kanvas and Imoji. Trying to send them all is harder than trying to catch’m all. (Pokemon fans will understand the struggle)

Redesigned Photo Editor!
You can still edit photos and draw right from the keyboard but the entire experience has been improved and made simpler!

No need to hunt down that super funny gif you found or recreate that photo edit you made. Once you’ve used it once its saved as a recent message for you to easily resend!

App Description

Kanvas Keyboard combines all the things you could dream of into single keyboard: animated gif and sticker search, photo editing, emojis, smart typing and colorful themes!

Key Features

Gif Keyboard!
- Search an endless library of gifs including trending content from popular gif websites Giphy and Kanvas!

Sticker Keyboard!
- Spice up your conversation with the funniest and most vibrant animated stickers from popular sticker website Imoji!

Edit photos!
- Easily add text to photos or colored backgrounds with over 50 awesome fonts and all of your favorite emojis!

Send Colorful Drawings!
- Use 7 different paintbrushes and a ton of colors to make cute drawings on colored backgrounds and photos.

Smart Keyboard!
- Kanvas Keyboard offers word completion suggestions, automatic corrections, and swipe gestures to return, delete, add spaces or auto complete! Type a word once and you can gesture type it or find it in suggestions next time.

Kanvas Keyboard has been localized in over 50 languages!

- No need to hunt down that super funny gif you found. Once you’ve used it once, you can easily check your Recent folder and use it again!

Share Anywhere!
- Copy and paste your creative replies in any conversation including iMessage, Whatsapp, Kik, Facebook Messenger, GroupMe and email!

Find us online!

We would love to hear from you! Please email us at [email protected] with any feedback or questions.

iPhone Screenshots

(click to enlarge)

Kanvas Keyboard - Gifs & Stickers screenshot 1 Kanvas Keyboard - Gifs & Stickers screenshot 2 Kanvas Keyboard - Gifs & Stickers screenshot 3 Kanvas Keyboard - Gifs & Stickers screenshot 4 Kanvas Keyboard - Gifs & Stickers screenshot 5

iPad Screenshots

(click to enlarge)

Kanvas Keyboard - Gifs & Stickers screenshot 6 Kanvas Keyboard - Gifs & Stickers screenshot 7 Kanvas Keyboard - Gifs & Stickers screenshot 8 Kanvas Keyboard - Gifs & Stickers screenshot 9 Kanvas Keyboard - Gifs & Stickers screenshot 10

App Changes

  • November 14, 2014 Initial release
  • December 20, 2014 New version 1.5
  • January 06, 2015 New version 1.6
  • January 17, 2015 New version 1.6.1
  • May 01, 2015 New version 2.0
  • June 11, 2015 New version 2.5
  • August 30, 2015 New version 2.5.2
  • January 05, 2016 New version 2.6
  • March 31, 2016 New version 3.0

Other Apps From Kanvas Labs, Inc.

Tracks™ Kanvas - Express Yourself Kanvas Lab Switch - Change Your Face