App Description

A Latin square is an (n x n) grid of cells. Each cell contains exactly one symbol from the set S = {1, 2, ..., n}. If you look down any column, or across any row of the Latin square, you'll see every symbol precisely once. If you've ever completed a Sudoku puzzle, then you've built a Latin square on the symbols {1, 2, ..., 9}.

This app provides comprehensive coverage of the field of Latin squares, including:

* Theory,
* Books,
* Journal articles,
* Unsolved Problems,
* Notable Latin squares

It also includes a random Latin square generator (using a Markov chain pioneered by Jacobson and Matthews' Markov chain in 1996). You can generate Latin squares for any order up to 11. Once you have generated a square, you can then find transversals that lie within it (if there are any).

iPhone Screenshots

(click to enlarge)

The Latin Squares screenshot 1 The Latin Squares screenshot 2 The Latin Squares screenshot 3 The Latin Squares screenshot 4 The Latin Squares screenshot 5

iPad Screenshots

(click to enlarge)

The Latin Squares screenshot 6 The Latin Squares screenshot 7 The Latin Squares screenshot 8 The Latin Squares screenshot 9 The Latin Squares screenshot 10

App Changes

  • August 13, 2014 Initial release