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App Description

Have you been hanging out in the reality of “believe and you will receive”, “let the law of attraction works for you”, “reprogram your subconscious mind” for quite some time? What have you achieved by playing law of attraction games? Have you manifested your ideal reality by repeating positive affirmations every morning? Are you happy with who you are, where you are and what you experience? Probably not, since you have been “attracted” to this book. In the 1970s Seth, channelled through Jane Roberts told you that Presence is the Point of Power. In the last thirty years Bashar, channeled through Darryl Anka has been supporting this idea, acknowledging the importance of living spontaneously from moment to moment, being fully present, without any expectations whatsoever. Our scientists are beginning to understand that everything exists here and now and what we call past-present-future are just different perspectives of the same one moment. Alright! It sounds so inspiring, doesn't it? I live in the Now. Then what? How can I get what I want without experiencing the processes? How can I change my life, how can I transform my reality? How can I make invisible to become visible? - are still the most frequent questions you and other people ask themselves and others on this planet. Therefore, the main purpose of this book is to provide you and them with an answer. ARKE does recognize the fact that current human belief system requires some platform through which it can allow things to change. As a platform we will be using the idea of Reality Shifting, which is getting popular on our planet. ARKE book starts from a simple, but very profound question. Theory and most powerful techniques of shifting through Infinity are provided after that. ARKE will help you to shift to “Rich You”, “Healthy You”, “Happy You”, “Loving and Loved You”, “Successful You”, “Genius You” realities, effortlessly and joyfully.
You will probably finish the book in fifteen minutes, but be prepared that it might take couple of weeks to master the tools of shifting through Infinity.

=Main Features=
*ARKE book with the most powerful techniques of Shifting Through Infinity.
*Take a Reality Shifting poll.
*Get in touch with Author of ARKE.
*Share this App with your friends.

iPhone Screenshots

(click to enlarge)

ARKE: Shifting Through Infinity screenshot 1 ARKE: Shifting Through Infinity screenshot 2 ARKE: Shifting Through Infinity screenshot 3

App Changes

  • April 23, 2014 Initial release
  • April 26, 2014 Price increase: $1.99 -> $7.99
  • April 27, 2014 Price decrease: $7.99 -> $3.99
  • August 29, 2014 Price decrease: $3.99 -> $0.99
  • September 09, 2014 New version 1.1.1

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