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App Description

Note-taking App for Brilliant Ideas!

Dive into a world of order and organization with our unique note-taking application. Incredibly convenient and fast, it will become your indispensable assistant in everyday life:

- Temporary Notes - create notes that automatically disappear after 24 hours. Perfect for spontaneous ideas and one-day tasks!

- Task Creation - plan your day and week with us. Efficient task management ensures you won't forget important meetings and tasks.

- Add Images - make your notes brighter and more informative by adding images.

- Convenient Filtering - find the note you need in seconds thanks to a powerful filtering system.

- Multicolored Notes - assign different colors to your notes for better organization and quick search.

- Password Protection - ensure your notes are safe with a password screen.

- Dual Theme Charm: Dive into elegant design with our light and dark themes. Whether it's your preference or external conditions, our app adapts to provide you with a comfortable and pleasant visual experience. The light theme is perfect for bright environments, offering clarity and freshness, while the dark theme creates a cozy and unintrusive space, ideal for working in the evening or in dim settings. Switch between the themes with a single tap and enjoy the personalized experience you deserve.

Don't miss the chance to make your life simpler and more organized with our note-taking application. See for yourself its unparalleled efficiency!

EULA: https://datainformation.my.canva.site/welcome-these-are-our-terms-of-use-and-govern-your-use-of-the-app-please-read-these-terms-and-conditions-carefully

iPhone Screenshots

(click to enlarge)

NotesApp - Notes and lists screenshot 1 NotesApp - Notes and lists screenshot 2 NotesApp - Notes and lists screenshot 3 NotesApp - Notes and lists screenshot 4

App Changes

  • October 31, 2023 Initial release
  • November 14, 2023 New version 2.1.0
  • November 21, 2023 New version 2.2.0

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