What's New

Updated video selections, minor performance updates

App Description

The Delicious TV team is proud to announce the latest release of its VegEZ iPhone app. This latest version includes 75 of Toni Fiore's tastiest recipes, optimized for the busy swirl of modern life. If you're looking for shortcuts but don't want to compromise on health, this is the app for you. Get inspired by the luscious food photographs and then learn how to make it, step-by-step, with 57 companion video podcasts. Browse or search through 6 different categories: Light Bites, Main Dishes, Sandwiches, and more. Or search by keyword ingredients.

If you’re a fan of our Delicious TV Veg podcast, get 75 of the newest recipes and have the ease of ingredients lists at your fingertips when you’re shopping. If you haven’t seen our podcasts, then get on over to iTunes and check them out. Toni will show you how to create healthful versions of many of your favorite familiar foods and show you some appetizing, new culinary tricks – without any animal ingredients, without the fuss, and in half the time.

Fast, easy, healthy, and best of all, delicious. And all for the price of one glossy magazine.

The Veg EZ iPhone app features:
- 75 of Toni Fiore’s newest, tasty recipes
- 57 recipe videos
- Main Dishes
- Sides And Salads
- Sandwiches
- Light Bites
- Breakfast and Dessert
- Basics (To Mix and Match)

Toni Fiore is the host of Delicious TV’s Totally Vegetarian – the popular public TV show – and the author of Totally Vegetarian (200 recipes, now out in paperback).

Betsy Carson is a filmmaker and photographer; she is the Executive Producer of Delicious TV.

Cronk Software, Inc. is the mobile strategy and implementation partner who built this mobile app for Delicious TV.

“Nothing will benefit human health and increase the chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.” How can Albert Einstein be wrong?

iPhone Screenshots

(click to enlarge)

VegEZ screenshot 1 VegEZ screenshot 2 VegEZ screenshot 3 VegEZ screenshot 4 VegEZ screenshot 5

App Changes

  • June 24, 2011 New version 1.1.1
  • February 29, 2012 New version 1.2
  • November 05, 2012 Price decrease: $2.99 -> $0.99
  • January 01, 2013 Price increase: $0.99 -> $2.99
  • January 03, 2013 Price decrease: $2.99 -> $0.99
  • February 26, 2013 Price increase: $0.99 -> $2.99
  • May 21, 2013 Price decrease: $2.99 -> $0.99
  • January 02, 2014 Price increase: $0.99 -> $2.99
  • December 03, 2014 Price decrease: $2.99 -> $1.99
  • December 15, 2014 Price decrease: $1.99 -> $0.99

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