App Description

Do you know where YOU are from?

Come see what others have to say that make D.C. and everything about it "different" from the rest of the world! Submit your own and see who agrees with you or doesn't know a thing you are talking about!

How many people can you make ROFL? Come check it out! Share with your friends and family. But don't use it at least not in front of your boss!

- Open the app.
- Allow a few seconds for a list of user-submitted lines to load onto your device.
- If you like or agree with what the person said, TAP on "Oh Yeah!" to give them a positive vote.
- If you do not agree with the user's statement, TAP on "Huh?" to give them a negative vote.
- All votes are counted only once! Don't worry if you see the same lines again when you reopen the app. You can vote again, but only your FIRST vote will count. All other votes will be tossed out! So vote carefully!
- You can SWIPE left or right to navigate. This is also useful if you do not want to vote.
- If you feel a particular user-submitted line is offensive, you can flag it by tapping on the FLAG icon.

If you want to enter your own line(s) so everyone can vote on them, consider purchasing our full version of this app.

Check us out online, we encourage suggestions!

- The game requires an internet connection.
- iPod Touch users need to be connected to WiFi in order to use this software.

We are NOT responsible for any
problems, conditions, side-effects
whether mild or severe caused by
the uncontrollable laughter while
using this software.

Have a ROFL day!

iPhone Screenshots

(click to enlarge)

You Know You Are from D.C. lite screenshot 1

App Changes