Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition Struts Its Stuff

Posted by Blake Grundman on February 24th, 2011
iPhone App - Designed for iPhone, compatible with iPad

Well folks, it is that magical time of year again when the women get their one week to invade the machismo drenched pages of Sports Illustrated.  Aside from being the only issue that was worthy of fathers across the country sprinting towards their mailbox upon delivery day, it also is bound to mark many young boys' transition into manhood.  At risk of heading down a road that most news reporters would turn a blind eye to, this is arguably one of the more titillating pieces of content available in the mainstream print media, so as you can imagine, it is in very high demand.

So how much demand is there, you ask?  How about enough that it seemed worthwhile for Sports Illustrated to invest in bringing the behind the scenes media to an iOS based application.  This is honestly not shocking, especially considering that this is one of the best selling issues of the magazine every year, but does the program make it worth your while?

  • Hundreds of stunning photos with dazzling images from all over the world

  • 40+ videos at launch with more to come in monthly updates

  • Download videos to your iPhone for offline viewing

  • Exclusive, never-before-seen footage only available here

  • Monthly updates with new photos and videos, including Bodypainting!

If you are willing to trudge through the turbulent waters of digitally delivered arousal, and can deal with the consequences, you may be in luck.  However, be aware that the free price tag is only for your first taste and if you want any more of that sweet scantily clad nectar, you will need to pony up an additional $1.99.  So get ready to get your taste of tropical paradise from the palm of your hands.  Those of us in the northern states could really use that right about now.