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Tag: Resale ยป

Sell Those Old iOS Devices Now, They Will Never Be Worth More (148Apps Readers Get 10% Bonus)

Posted by Jeff Scott on December 27th, 2013

So, some readers were super good this year and Santa left a new iPad Air or iPhone 5c under the tree? Well it's time to get rid of those old iPhone and iPad that were replaced (thanks Santa). We've teamed up with the fine folks at Newaya to get a special deal for you, our readers; 10% over their already great prices.

I recently used Newaya to trade in a whole bunch of old iPhones and found that even without this special deal, Newaya had the best prices around. With the extra 10%, it's fantastic. Here's how it works.

1) head to Newaya
2) Click "Get My Quote"
3) Navigate to the device to sell
4) Select the condition of the phone
5) Click the big green button, "Get My Instant Quote"

This will show the price of the device without the extra 148App reader bonus 10%. To get that bonus, look for the promo code field at the bottom of the box, click it and enter 148appsreader and press enter. Then, bingo, and extra 10%.

Finish up the process giving shipping info and Newaya will send a shipping label, yup, they even pay for the shipping. Box up your devices, attach that label and send it off. A few days later an email asking for details on how you want your payment will magically appear. It's like free money! Well, almost.

AT&T To Start Unlocking iPhones

Posted by Kevin Stout on April 10th, 2012

Shortly after 9to5Mac broke a story about an AT&T customer resorting to asking Tim Cook for help unlocking his iPhone, AT&T has decided to start unlocking iPhones for "qualifying customers."

The story from a couple weeks ago dealt with an AT&T customer who had been reassigned to Canada for work but wanted to continue using the iPhone 3GS he had already purchased from AT&T. AT&T refused to unlock the device so the customer sent a letter to Tim Cook as a last resort. Tim Cook took care of the problem and the man's iPhone was unlocked.

Now AT&T, as of April 8th, will be offering the ability to unlock iPhones to customers who are in good standing and are either off contract or pay a termination fee.

According to Ars Technica, users have been reporting that to unlock the phone they must first initiate a call with AT&T, get approved for being unlocked, then go through a system with Apple receiving a code via email, and a backup and restore through iTunes. At first, it seemed that the process could be done completely online (using AT&T's Wireless Support Chat) until users started reporting that a call to AT&T was needed to start the process.

This adds a greater resale value to iPhones that were purchased through AT&T. It's now possible to sell an old, unlocked AT&T iPhone without going through jail-breaking methods to unlock the phone.

Check out the official statement by AT&T at Engadget.