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Tag: Management »

Micro Miners Review

+ Universal App - Designed for iPhone and iPad
By Rob Rich on November 15th, 2012
Our rating: starstarstarstarblankstar :: THE LEMMINGS ARE DIGGING!
Keeping two separate groups of accident prone miners tunneling their way through a series of mineral deposits can be a tough job, but it's also an insanely fun job!
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Totem Tribe Gold Review

iPad App - Designed for iPad
By Jennifer Allen on November 7th, 2012
Our rating: starstarstarstarblankstar :: STRATEGIC INTRODUCTION
Offering an extensive story mode, Totem Tribe Gold is an ideal casual introduction to the strategy genre.
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Motor World Car Factory Review

iPhone App - Designed for iPhone, compatible with iPad
By Jordan Minor on September 5th, 2012
Our rating: starstarstarstarblankstar :: BUILT FORD TOUGH
A strong personality and plethora of side elements are what keep this car factory management sim interesting.
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Tavern Quest Review

+ Universal App - Designed for iPhone and iPad
By Rob Rich on August 20th, 2012
Our rating: starstarstarstarblankstar :: TIRED OF WAITING
This is one splendid looking, clever mash-up of RPG adventuring and restaurant management with a fairly major problem.
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Cafeteria Nipponica Review

+ Universal App - Designed for iPhone and iPad
By Rob Rich on August 16th, 2012
Our rating: starstarstarstarblankstar :: GOURMET DINING
Kairosoft takes a stab at the restaurant business and, surprise surprise, knocks another one out of the park.
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Pixely People Making Movies Review

iPhone App - Designed for iPhone, compatible with iPad
By Rob Rich on June 18th, 2012
Our rating: starstarstarstarblankstar :: SILVER SCREEN SHENANIGANS
Pixely People Making Movies is one goofy time-management production.
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Men in Black 3 Review

Posted by Rob Rich on May 25th, 2012
+ Universal App - Designed for iPhone and iPad

Developer: Gameloft
Price: FREE
Version: 1.0.0
App Reviewed on: iPhone 3GS

Graphics / Sound Rating: starstarstarstarblankstar
Gameplay Rating: starstarstarstarhalfstar
Playtime Rating: starstarstarstarblankstar
Replay Value Rating: starstarstarstarblankstar


It’s hard not to expect the worst from a freemium movie tie-in game. There’s just so much potential for things to go wrong. Fortunately things went right for Men in Black 3. Very, very right.

As soon as the initial loading is done players are thrust into the boots of a MIB rookie. Agent J (or at least a somewhat reasonable facsimile) is present to direct them through most of the tutorial stuff like fighting aliens, neuralizing citizens, and managing headquarters. Much like other genre offerings structures must be built and managed to earn cash, heal between missions, research new tech, etc. But playing Where Will This Room Fit is only a part of Men in Black 3. The other parts are comprised of investigating various happenings around New York (both in 2012 and 1969), combating hostile aliens in turn-based combat, and recruiting/utilizing MIB agents for special missions.

Seeing as Men in Black 3 is a Gameloft game I feel compelled to mention that I was thrilled to see it takes up less than two-thirds of my iPhone’s storage space. In fact, it takes up next to no room at all (just under 90 MB). It might sound callous but most of their games are so big I can’t actually keep them for long, so something like this is a rare treat for me. For everyone else who doesn’t care about rationing memory, it’s still a very well put-together game. Everything features the slick style we’ve all come to expect from MIB facilities and gear, exploration and combat do a good job of keeping the management aspects from becoming tedious, and hiring new agents recalls a few of those old X-COM feelings.

As impressed as I am, I wouldn’t mind having the ability to adjust the camera distance. The view feels just a tad too far away from everything for my liking, making characters and aliens seem almost insignificantly small. Floating icons ensure that tapping the correct person, place, or thing isn’t an issue, but it would be nice to get in closer to see a little more detail. Conversely I wouldn’t mid seeing a little less of the “OMG THEY WERE IN THE MOVIE!!!” characters. Not that I don’t think Agents J and K and friends aren’t awesome, I just got sick of them getting in my face so often. Granted this doesn’t happen as often once the tutorial is completed but they can still be somewhat overbearing.

It might be heavy on the exposition and light on the camera control, but this is one solid free-to-play that usually always has something for players to do. Being the boss of a secret organization created to deal with extra-terrestrial activities sounds like a fantastic job, and thanks to Men in Black 3 I’m even more inclined to believe it.

iPIM Review

+ Universal App - Designed for iPhone and iPad
By Jennifer Allen on April 6th, 2012
Our rating: starstarstarhalfstarblankstar :: USEFUL
Organizing everything possible in life, all through one app.
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Put an End to Obnoxious Junk Mail the Eco-Friendly Way with PaperKarma

Posted by Rob Rich on February 20th, 2012
iPhone App - Designed for iPhone, compatible with iPad
Our rating: starstarstarhalfstarblankstar :: GO GREEN :: Read Review »

Junk mail. Yuck. Not only is it annoying, it's also a terrible waste. All those circulars about sales no one cares about involving products nobody wants... At least those unsolicited emails from Nigerian princes don't waste any paper. Well now there's this neat little app that will theoretically put a stop to most of these unwanted advertisements.

PaperKarma is so simple in its execution it almost sounds like magic. All a user has to do is snap a photo with their iOS device's camera and the app will (read: should) find the company responsible and take care of the rest. The rest referring to getting users off of the mailing list. It's a mind-bogglingly simple concept, really.

Anyone with an iOS device and a thinning patience for junk mail should definitely check out PaperKarma. It's on the App Store right now, and it's on sale for free for a "limited time." What's the harm in giving it a try, right?

Monitor Gas Usage, Expenses and More with Gas Logs

Posted by Rob Rich on February 17th, 2012

Now I'll admit that I don't do much driving nowadays because I use mass transit (i.e. the subway), but I did drive a lot once upon a time. And it was quite the pain to deal with all of the extraneous annoyances like traffic, insurance, and gas. Guess which of those problems Gas Logs addresses?

The latest app from JAS Appications allows users to track their mileage, their spending, etc... All manner of values can be adjusted to fit a user's region, including gallons/liters, and a number of different currencies. Of course, it just wouldn't be a JAS Applications app if it didn't also include a super-useful GPS feature. Which it does. Yup, as expected Gas Logs can do all this in addition to finding nearby gas stations by using the iOS device's built-in GPS.

Again, someone like myself who doesn't even own a car won't have much use for it but there are billions of people out there who drive, and at least millions who own an iPhone. Chances are good that there's a decent market for something like this.

Caylus Review

By Rob Rich on February 10th, 2012
Caylus has all the trappings of a deep iOS board game, assuming complexity isn't a problem.
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Wicket - The Beginning Review

By Rob Rich on January 10th, 2012
Our rating: starstarhalfstarblankstarblankstar :: WHAT?
Wicket - The Beginning has all the trappings of a clever rpg-lite inspired task management game. Save the lack of any real point, that is.
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Football Manager Handheld 2012 Review

+ Universal App - Designed for iPhone and iPad
By Jennifer Allen on December 20th, 2011
Our rating: starstarstarstarblankstar :: INVOLVING
The best soccer management game on the App Store yet, but it could still do with a few tweaks in time for next year.
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There's no Safari like a Fantasy Safari

Posted by Rob Rich on November 10th, 2011
+ Universal App - Designed for iPhone and iPad

Create and customize a wildlife reserve. Manage various park minutiae. Upgrade facilities and inhabitants in order to bring in the big bucks. It sounds fairly typical of a good number of freemium park sims, but Fantasy Safari twists it up a bit. By adding fantasy creatures, naturally.

Dragons, frozen wolves, phoenixes and more. It's a bit of a departure from the usual fare, to say the least. Now, thanks to EA Mobile, we can all try our hand at running our own zoo full of non-existent animals. 40 different non-existent animals, at that. 40 non-existent animals that can learn new abilities (i.e. fire breathing) as savvy players futz with their enclosures.

Anyone looking to try their hand at managing a theme park/zoo with a bit more... "flavor" can do so right now. Fantasy Safari is already on the App Store and, like most (read: all) free-to-play titles it doesn't require any money to get started.

Football Management RPG Review

+ Universal App - Designed for iPhone and iPad
By Jennifer Allen on August 19th, 2011
Our rating: starstarstarhalfstarblankstar :: DIFFERENT
Football Management RPG offers all the human elements of soccer management with a Choose Your Own Adventure style vibe.
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