You Don't Know Jack Quizes Its Way Onto iOS [Updated]

Posted by Blake Grundman on April 11th, 2011

Updated 2:30pm: Whoops! Looks like we made a mistake. THQ are not involved with this iOS app, it's coming directly from Jellyvision. Post updated.

There is just something about quiz games that tickle my fancy something fierce.  Since the days of PC gaming there has been one franchise that did the fake quiz show better than any other, and that was the Jellyvision classic, You Don't Know Jack.  The combination of dirty jokes and clever wordplay kept me coming back for round after verbally abusive round.  It didn't hurt that I was awesome at it, either!

Well now there is plenty of reason to be excited, because fresh off of recently reviving the franchise on consoles, THQ Jellyvision is announcing that the title will be making its way to the iPhone and iPad very soon.  We do not have an exact date to pin on the release yet, but stay tuned, because as soon as we know, you will too.  Keep it locked here for any updates and take a little time to bone up on your pop culture wisdom.  You will be needing it very soon!