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GoTasks is the Cure for the Common List

Posted by Blake Grundman on January 12th, 2011
+ Universal App - Designed for iPhone and iPad

Oh productivity apps, why must you tease us so?  There are so many different programs and solutions that could address consumers organizational issues available on the App Store that you could begin to wonder if every iOS device owner is a scatterbrained fool.  That said, I am fully willing to cop to actually being one of those scatterbrained fools, not to mention that is always willing to try out the latest and greatest App to help streamline my day-to-day life.

Coming to my rescue most recently is an app developed my independent developer Evgeniy Shurakov, by the name of GoTasks.  As much as I would love to go on the record and rave about its awesome interface and usability, why not let the tutorial video speak for itself?

In addition to the amazingly simple user interface, there are a wide variety of additional features that GoTasks brings to the table, such as:

  • Works with Google and Google Apps accounts

  • Multiple account support

  • Inplace tasks editing

  • Notifications of upcoming tasks

  • Various sorting modes (by date, by title, by status)

  • Badges showing the number of tasks (due, overdue, today)

  • Highlighting overdue tasks in the list

  • Offline mode (create/edit tasks offline and sync later)

  • Data is sent securely over HTTPS to Google

Easily the most useful part of the entire app would be the ability to synchronize the with your existing Google calendar. Finally! Someone is providing that platform convergence that has been missing for far too long.  Better yet, the software is FREE, so you have no excuse not to download it!  So scurry off to the App Store and check it out, you can come back and thank me later.


Mailroom - Gmail and Google Apps Mail Client Review

iPhone App - Designed for iPhone, compatible with iPad
By Jason Fanguy on May 14th, 2010
Our rating: starstarstarstarblankstar :: VERY USEFUL
Mailroom is a feature-rich email utility which allows its users to view and utilize all their Gmail accounts at once, within one application, without compromising essential features, such as labeling, threading conversations, etc. found in Google’s onli
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