New Doctor Who Game Announced

Posted by Brad Hilderbrand on December 3rd, 2010

A certain British time-traveling hero is about to get a brand new iOS game, as Tag Games and the BBC have announced a brand-new Doctor Who game. Doctor Who: The Mazes of Time will be available on all iOS devices later this month, just in time for the holidays. Then again, given the good doctor's propensity for jumping around through time the game may be out already and we don't even know it. Quick! Look behind you!

Mazes of Time will feature the Doctor and faithful companion Amy Pond working together to "defeat infamous enemies, solve devious puzzles, and restore peace." The announcement trailer shows the two characters working independently yet in concert to solve puzzles and navigate through enemy-infested terrain. It's unclear how combat will work in the game, as all we've seen so far is the Doctor and Amy running away from baddies, not standing up and fighting them. One bit does show the Doctor luring a robot onto an electrified floor, so it seems the combat may well be environmental and trap-based. Sorry, I guess you won't be disassembling any mechanical baddies with a sonic screwdriver.

The game is scheduled to land before Christmas so we should be seeing sometime within the next few weeks. While we're excited to try out a new Doctor Who game we're going to go with cautious optimism as recent digital editions of the franchise on other mediums haven't been all that well-regarded. Still, a co-op puzzle solving game is an interesting genre to tackle and one which we're not quite burnt out on yet. Thank heavens it's not yet another physics-based puzzle game, we've all had enough of those to last us several lifetimes.

We'll keep you posted on new info about the game as its release date nears, for now go get caught up on the latest season so you'll be ready for the game.

[via BBC America]