App Downloads Increased 65 Percent This Past Holiday Week, Says Report

Posted by Rob LeFebvre on January 3rd, 2013

Data analytics firm, Flurry, keeps track of the number of downloads across the many app stores of the world. They just put out a blog post on the incredibly huge, historic increase in app downloads during the past holiday week. If you're an info-graphic junkie, it's well worth a read.

From the Flurry blog:

The most important week of the year for app makers is the final week of the year, between Christmas and New Year's Day. Starting with Christmas Day, the largest single device activation day of the year, the week between Christmas and New Year’s Day is marked by significantly elevated device activations and app downloads. This is the primary reason why companies jockey to rank well leading up to Christmas Day itself. This report reveals that the last week of 2012 was the largest week for both new device activations and app downloads in iOS and Android history.