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Broken Sword HD In-Depth Review

By Chris Kirby on June 25th, 2010
Revolution Studios reinvigorates a 14 year old game for the iPad, and it's still fun to play after all this time.
Read The Full Review »

Favorite Four: Apps for a rainy day

Posted by Ryan Wood on April 19th, 2010

April showers bring May flowers, and while May is just around the corner, the rainy days are in full force. What better way to get through a rainy day then by using an iDevice? Here are a few apps that we think will be the perfect companion.


There has already been a lot of coverage on Netflix, but it truly is an MVP of the app store. As of this print it’s an iPad only app, but there are confirmed reports of Netflix making a debut on the smaller iDevice lineup eventually. It’s a sure fire bet that watching a movie or television show on a rainy day will help to pass the time.

Alternative: For those that don’t have an iPad, or those not subscribing to Netflix, the YouTube app, NBC.com through the Safari Web Browser, and the Pandora app are a couple alternatives to provide some entertainment. Unfortunately the video streaming offerings have been limited up until Netflix. With Netflix expected on the pocket sized iDevices, and rumors flowing on Hulu’s debut on the iDevice line up, you can expect that to change sooner than later.


Maybe it’s just me, but I can play Tetris for hours without getting bored. Whether it’s the WiiWare version of Tetris, my old cartridge version, or the app version, I can’t get enough. Nothing beats relaxing on the couch watching some TV and playing some Tetris.

101 Classics (or other free book app)

I used to be an avid reader, but responsibilities have really limited the time I can devote to it. When I did read more, there was a vast collection of books I used to read. With an app like 101 Classics, large quantities of books are collected into one app for free and easy access. Make some hot chocolate, grab a blanket, and pop up a copy of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer the next time it’s raining.


They say that knowledge is power. “They” tend to be those people always looking to get a hand up in Trivial Pursuit, but a little extra knowledge can’t hurt anyone. With the “Surprise Me!” feature in Articles, you can relax inside, check out the rain, and educate yourself on little random pieces of the world one Wikipedia page at a time. Available on the entire iDevice line-up, this app is sure to equip you for battle the next time Trivial Pursuit night comes up.

Honorable Mentions:

Rainy Day apps really are just boredom fillers, and to that end there are hundreds of possibly apps available. An epic RPG Series like the Final Fantasy (One or Two), Zenonia (One or Two), and Inotia (One or Two) are great options. Point and Click games such as Nick Chase, The Secret of Monkey Island, and Broken Sword, or any number of apps have the potential for filling that void. Take a look at the games I offered here or figure out a specific genre of game you are looking for and check out 148apps vast database of reviews to find something that provides a great product to fill your time with.

If you would like a specific recommendation for a genre, shoot me an email at [email protected] and I would gladly toss you one. If I don’t have a lot of experience in one genre, 148apps has a plethora of talented staff members who might.