No Brain No Game: New Puzzle Fun

Posted by Jennifer Allen on August 4th, 2011

In the mood for a new puzzle game? Then maybe give No Brain No Game a shot. It looks set to be a fun way of whiling away a few hours.

It's a new title that's all about moving a mouse from a jar into a pipe. Why, we don't know exactly. However to do this, players must navigate across the level by using ramps, bars, bouncing balls and more. Covering three different worlds and 62 levels in all, No Brain No Game sets out to offer plenty. New levels are unlocked through the customary manner of gaining more stars in each stage thus offering impetus to return to earlier levels.

The game starts out simply enough with some tutorials to ease players into the game but it's not long before things become increasingly fiendish when it comes to devising how to manoeuvre the mouse across the area. It's a fun looking brain teaser of a game.

No Brain No Game is out now in two varieties. For $0.99, players can download the full game or there's a lite version to check it out before putting down any money for it.

Posted in: News
Tagged With: Puzzle, Mouse, $0.99, Lite Version, No Brain No Game, Mice
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