Top 3 App Deals for 10-21-11

Posted by Rob LeFebvre on October 21st, 2011

Another Friday, another set of great deals on great apps. Sure, you could scroll through our comprehensive and fairly exhaustive Price Drops page, but where's the fun in that? We take the time to scour the list so you don't have to. Without any more ado type stuff, here's what we have for you today:

AppAdvice - Was $1.99, now FREE
Get the latest app news, advice on what apps you need to get right now, detailed reviews of apps, and more, now free for a limited time. Become the person all your friends ask about apps, or, better yet, get them to download this app while it's still free.

Levels - Was $0.99, now FREE
We use a Level app all the time, hanging pictures, shelves, and other things that need to be level. This one does more than simple leveling, though, with the addition of a feature to measure the pitch and roll of a vehicle while driving. Cool, right?

Spider: The Secret of Bryce Manor - Was $2.99, now $0.99
Here's a classic of iOS gaming at a low, low price. If you haven't connected with this clever, engaging emergent story game, now's the time. Here's what our review said: "Spider: the Secret of Bryce Manor is an impressive, original game due to its well-implemented controls, beautiful graphics, unique gameplay, and multi-layered, subtly presented story."


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