On Friday we always have something really important to do. Namely, it's when we prepare you for the next seven days, letting you know what we think are going to be the top games coming out over the next week. Forewarned is forearmed after all, so consider this us throwing a bunch of arms at you. But not in a weird way.

It's a pretty short list this week, but we expect more games to sneak up on us over the weekend. While it might not be the longest list in the world, the games on it are shaping up to be really rather special.

If you've spotted anything you think we've missed that's coming out next week, do let us know in the comments section at the bottom of the article. And if you click here you can check out all of the other interesting lists we've written for you. You can trust us, they're all amazing.

Spirit Roots

- Click here to pre-order for iOS

An action adventure platformer with a gorgeous art-style. There are definite 16bit shades here, but there's more going on than just rose-tinted retro action. Spirit Roots throws in some decidedly mobile ideas to keep things fresh, while still sticking to the templates set down by the games that have so obviously inspired it. Best of all, if you pre-order the game you'll get it for a discount price. You probably don't have a reason not to do that.

Escapists 2: Pocket Breakout

- Click here to pre-order for iOS

The sequel to everyone's favorite game of getting out of jail. It's not free, though - this is a huge premium experience that's been poked and preened to fit it into the palm of your hand. It worked really well with the original game, and we imagine it's going to work just as well this time around. There's a dark British humor here, and more than enough game to keep you entertained for weeks.

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