Rollercoaster Tycoon Touch Guide: How to best manage your park

Posted by Jessica Famularo on February 25th, 2017
+ Universal App - Designed for iPhone and iPad

Rollercoaster Tycoon recently made its debut a few months ago, with a premium remake of the original two games. If you're looking for something a little more lightweight that might translate better to smaller screens, however, you might want to give Rollercoaster Tycoon Touch a go. It's a free-to-play collectible card game that's classic Rollercoaster Tycoon at its core. The new collectible card elements might be a little strange if you're used to the original Rollercoaster Tycoon, though. We have some advice to help you navigate those choppy waters.

Stay on top of your peeps needs
As they say, the customer is always right, so listen to your peeps' complaints. Tap on the smiley face in the top toolbar of the screen to see where your park needs improvement and adjust accordingly. If you want a more targeted idea of how your customers are feeling, pay attention to the smiley or frowny face bubbles that appear over their heads. Happy customers make for a happy park, afterall. Pay attention to which objects promote which stats -- happiness, hunger, and hygiene. That shiny new ride you just unlocked looks pretty great, but there are other less expensive items that also promote fun, too.

Complete missions
You'll be given a series of missions that reward you with generous gold rewards. Check in on these frequently, as they change often or have many different tiers of rewards for completing successive, related tasks.

Get that money
Things are tight in the beginning, and you need to get the paycheck you deserve. Check back in on your park frequently to cash in on the money your attractions are making. If you let them go for too long, they'll cap off and stop making money until you withdraw the gold from their coffers.

And if you're still struggling, remember that you can set the prices for your rides and food stalls. Tap on an object, and then tap on the red price tag in the menu that appears. Pay attention to the prices. You can move the ticket price between cheap, good value, and expensive. You don't want prices to be so steep that you're driving customers away, but you don't want to be getting ripped off either. Be sure to check your park entrance fee, too. By default the game sets it to "very cheap".

Don't be hasty with your upgrades
Cash comes in slowly and building new attractions can be quite pricey. When you're first starting out, work on making sure your park has a diverse array of food to eat and rides to enjoy. You can focus on upgrading once your park is well established. This will keep you from running out of money too early and getting stuck.

Are you already the tycoon of your own amusement park empire? Share your own advice in our comments section below.

Posted in: News, Howto, Guide
Tagged With: Atari, Rollercoaster Tycoon Touch
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