Robot Fish to Surface Soon

Posted by Rob Rich on February 16th, 2012

Fish are always cool. Know what's cooler than fish? Robot fish. So it stands to reason that Robot Fish from Liger Games gets automatic cool points. They also deserve some cool points for making a game that involves drawing lines that doesn't quite adhere to the norms of most line-drawing games.

Rather than tracing a path to an exit or preventing collisions, players will seemingly have to plan their route through each level in one go. The kicker is that they can use all manner of fruit to acquire special abilities (i.e. bashing through hazards, duplication, etc...). It's hard to fully picture it with screen shots, but the videos on the developer's blog should help. Looks pretty nifty, huh? I can only imagine how much planning and practice it takes to blow through levels that fast, and most of the time they're barely earning "C" ranks!

Robot Fish should be hitting the App Store soon. Within the next couple of weeks, assuming it makes it through Apple's approval process in a timely manner. No word yet on a price, though.

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