We were teased about Mediocre Games' (Smash Hit, Sprinkle Islands) upcoming and untitled project back in January, but now we've got more details to share - along with a name.

Does Not Commute (Ha!) is a mind-bending puzzle of a game that tasks you with guiding various vehicles to specific destinations on each of its initial eight levels. Which, at its core, is simply a matter of tapping the left or right sides of the screen to steer. It gets a lot more complicated than that, though.

Every time you successfully see a car (or boat on later levels) to the exit, you jump back in time and take control of a different vehicle that you'll need to see to a different exit. The catch is that everyone you previously controlled will be following the paths you've set them on at the same time - creating some rather hectic moments as you try to avoid crashing into these new obstacles.

We'll definitely have a review for Does Not Commute when it should be releasing in mid-April, but until then you can check out some of the madcap action in the video below.

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