Remember the days when Apple 2's were in every school in America? All the little kids used to flock around the gleaming new computers (they were never upgraded, so they quickly became dilapidated old computers) to play their favorite educational game. Some liked Math Blaster, some liked Number Crunchers, but nobody could get enough of the Oregon Trail.

Well the day is coming (hopefully) that every student gets an iPad for the classroom, and Apple is anticipating by offering developers the option to sell their apps at bulk discount. With just a simple checkmark, developers can now opt go sell app bundles of 20 or more for 50% discount.

The adoption of the iPad will certainly take time, but some medical programs are stepping into the tech world. Stanford's Medical School has launched a program to give iPad's to all incoming 1st years, and many other schools are ditching books altogether, using VitalSouce (which has an app coming soon) as their source for books.

Who knows, if more educational entities start giving out iPad's, maybe I'll go back for that Master's degree.

[Source: The Next Web]

Posted in: News
Tagged With: Education, Apple, Discounts, IPad, Ios, Back to school
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