A whole tidal wave of apps are headed for the Apple Watch, and Adobe has joined in with 3 new ways to enhance your creativity and collaborate with others. The watch apps pair with iPad/iPhone apps to give you total control over your Adobe projects.

The first of the new apps,Creative Cloud,allows you get real-time updates on shared projects simply by glancing at your watch. You can view and reply to comments, accept or decline invitations to collaborate, and transition from your watch to your mobile device or or desktop seamlessly.

Behanceis a project sharing platform that lets you showcase your work to other professionals. It also lets you remotely control Airplay presentations from your watch or open walk though your presentations. When you want to comment on a file or project or share to your social media, you can useHandoff to move to your iPhone quickly and easily.

The last app isColor CC. By turning on geolocation the Apple Watch canshow you captured color schemes of your surrounding area. Themes are displyed with theme, name, distance, and map location. You can also see the ten most popular themes in the vicinity. The swatches can be added to your creative cloud library to use in your other projects.

All three apps are free on the App Store, so once you have your shiny new Apple Watch you can easily start working.

Posted in: News
Tagged With: Adobe, Creative Cloud, Color CC, Behance
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