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Tag: Release date »

WWDC 2014 - iOS 8 Release Date Revealed (Sorta)

Posted by Rob Thomas on June 2nd, 2014

Just before the WWDC 2014 conference wrapped up with Tim Cook giving a shout-out to all of his homies in the Apple community (not to be confused with Craig Federighi's on-stage chat with his homie Dr. Dre), we received yet another ambiguous release date.

Those lucky enough to be in attendance at WWDC will have access to the iOS 8 beta (download here) starting today. The rest of us lowly proles down in the salt mines are going to have to wait until this Fall to get our hands on all of the new features.

Thankfully, it doesn't look like Apple is going to make the new experience too heavy as they showed that iOS 8 will run on a variety of hardware, ranging from iPhone 4s all the way up to the current models. Check the screenshot below for a full list.

Release Date Confirmed: Peggle For The iPhone - May 12th

Posted by Bryan Barletta on April 30th, 2009

Peggle is probably one of the most time consuming games that I've ever played. My first run in with it was during the download period of the Orange Box through Steam on my PC. In anticipation for the games to be unlocked, we were treated to a Valve specific version of the game that honestly kept me so occupied, I think I continued to play it instead of switching over to the other games that I had just plopped $50 down for.