I am out to prove a point today to myself, my editor, and to you, dear readers; it is entirely possible for me to talk about Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket in a positive way. To which, the Space-Time Smackdown Emblem event has kicked off for fashion hunters to deck out their profiles.

For those who haven’t delved into Emblems, they are just little pictures that show off the various achievements you have accomplished. A lot of these are battle-related for those who are truly skilled at the game. In my case, I use the, “Look, Mum, I can navigate the store,” Emblems you can buy. The mark of a true master to be sure.

In order to earn the Space-Time Smackdown Emblems, you simply need to win a bunch of Versus duels in the Event Match section. There are four levels you can achieve: 1 win, 5 wins, 25 wins, and then 45 wins. The fact it isn't 50 wins triggers me a little, but we move on. Luckily, it isn’t consecutive wins like last time so it's definitely possible to do with time.

And time we do have, as the availability period lasts until the 25th, so nearly three weeks to achieve which is plenty. Pocket has pretty quick battles so you can knock it out in a fraction of the time. It is also worth mentioning that the Emblem looks pretty cool. A black and white rendering of a Pokeball. Pokemon's worst generation, but an excellent colour scheme.

There is also still time to brush up on your AI battle skills with the Cresselia ex Drop Event lasting until February 17th. You can earn the titular Cresselia ex with its Lunar Plumage ability that recovers 20 damage whenever you attach Psychic energy. Doesn’t sound like that, but stack two Gardevoirs’ on the bench and you can recover 60 HP a turn. Until Gallade comes up and ramps its damage by 1,000 thanks to all that energy. It's not a flawless plan.

Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket is available to download from the App Store and Google Play.

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