Food52 Holiday Recipe & Survival Guide Review
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Food52 Holiday Recipe & Survival Guide Review

Our Review by Jennifer Allen on November 25th, 2011
Rating: starstarstarstarblankstar :: USEFUL
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An attractive and useful guide to how to survive the festive season and the huge amount of cooking it frequently involves.

Developer: Open Air Publishing
Price: $9.99
Version Reviewed: 2.0.3
Device Reviewed On: iPad 2

iPhone Integration Rating: starstarstarstarblankstar
User Interface Rating: starstarstarstarhalfstar
Re-use Value Rating: starstarstarstarblankstar

Overall Rating: starstarstarstarblankstar

The holiday season is an immensely pleasant time for many. However, with the flurry of family members descending for a fantastic gathering, so do the stress levels of the poor soul trying to arrange everything. Organization is the key to ensuring that the festive season is stress free and full of fun. FOOD52 Holiday Recipe & Survival Guide endeavours to help calm the storm.

From the makers of Speakeasy Cocktails, FOOD52 Holiday Recipe & Survival Guide is laid out in a fashion that's more akin to an interactive cookbook. It's an ideal style for getting the maximum amount of information in a format that's fun to read.

FOOD52 Holiday Recipe & Survival Guide is more than just a cookbook however with a huge amount of other useful pieces of information and a healthy dose of cocktail recipes too.

Laid out to incorporate snacks, soups, main courses, side dishes, breads, cookies and even breakfast for the morning after, everything looks delicious. Each recipe comes with an attractive photo and a simply laid out string of instructions. Plenty of appealling photos guide the user through each step for an added touch of simplicity.

The uses behind FOOD52 Holiday Recipe & Survival Guide don't stop there though. Techniques are covered such as crucial baking tips or drink preparation advice. In each case, everything is explained in a detailed yet simple way. The entertaining section is similarly useful covering everything from how to manage brunch in a way that doesn't cause anyone to collapse with stress or just how to set up the house ready for an open house. Sure, some of these tips might sound like common sense but how often in the heat of the moment are such simple things forgotten?

FOOD52 Holiday Recipe & Survival Guide is a comprehensive collection of everything we all need to know about hosting the ideal Thanksgiving or Christmas event at home. There's even a section devoted to what equipment to buy and how to build a gingerbread house! At $9.99, it might not quite be an impulse buy but for those in dire need of relaxing and enjoying their holiday season, it's a very small price to pay.

iPhone Screenshots

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Holiday Recipes & Party Planning Guide, by Food52 screenshot 1 Holiday Recipes & Party Planning Guide, by Food52 screenshot 2 Holiday Recipes & Party Planning Guide, by Food52 screenshot 3 Holiday Recipes & Party Planning Guide, by Food52 screenshot 4 Holiday Recipes & Party Planning Guide, by Food52 screenshot 5

iPad Screenshots

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Holiday Recipes & Party Planning Guide, by Food52 screenshot 6 Holiday Recipes & Party Planning Guide, by Food52 screenshot 7 Holiday Recipes & Party Planning Guide, by Food52 screenshot 8 Holiday Recipes & Party Planning Guide, by Food52 screenshot 9 Holiday Recipes & Party Planning Guide, by Food52 screenshot 10
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