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GDC 2012: Two Tribes Tests Toki Tori 2

Posted by Carter Dotson on March 12th, 2012

Toki Tori 2 is well underway, and Two Tribes' Martin Reujvers and Collin Ginkel demoed the Mac version of the game at GDC’s Hollan Pavilion. The game ditches any kind of item usage as in the original, instead focusing on stomping and whistling actions that are used to interact with the environment. For example, by stomping, it can scare one creature into the mouth of a frog, who then produces a bubble that Toki Tori can ride in.

The team is striving to not lock anything artificially; everything in the game will be possible from the beginning. They are calling this a series of “knowledge-based unlocks” where the player is taught new things throughout the game, that they can then go back to use in earlier sections to find new collectibles and discover new paths through levels. They demonstrated this in several points throughout the demo, like in one area where players could discover a hidden area at the very beginning of the demo by using what they learned later on in it.

Toki Tori 2 will be released for iOS later this year, utilizing similar touch controls as the original iOS game. The PC/Mac versions are expected to launch in June, with iOS and possibly Android versions launching after that.

Toki Tori 2 Coming to iOS, Steam in 2012

Posted by Greg Dawson on October 21st, 2011
iPhone App - Designed for iPhone, compatible with iPad
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Dutch developer Two Tribes has announced that they are bringing Toki Tori 2 to PC and Mac via the Steam digital distribution platform by Valve Corporation in Spring 2012 and are planning support for iOS, Nintendo and more. As in the original Game Boy Color release, the sequel will feature the young chick, but in an entirely new adventure developed from the ground up. The more exciting news is that Two Tribes will utilize an open development model. That's right. They want gamers to follow their every move and be part of the progress, and more importantly, they're giving access to playable early versions from day one. Gamers can follow their progress on the Toki Tori 2 development blog.

Collin van Ginkel, creative director at Two Tribes says "We're starting with a super-early version of Toki Tori 2, which is basically interactive concept art, running on Steam for people to try out and we're very excited to be able to involve the Two Tribes community in such a direct way." The original game saw quite a bit of success over the past 10 years on a wide variety of gaming platforms, including Windows Mobile, Nintendo's Wii via WiiWare and on iPhone in 2009.

As of yesterday, the first 200 gamers interested in checking out an early version can email [email protected] for an invite to their Steam development version.