Chuck E. Cheese's Skate Universe Skates its Way Onto the App Store

Posted by Blake Grundman on July 7th, 2014
+ Universal App - Designed for iPhone and iPad

Everyone's favorite pizza peddling rodent has managed to sneak out of the midway and invade an iOS device near you. In Chuck E. Cheese's Skate Universe, the mousy mascot takes a Temple Run-esque skateboard ride while dodging, jumping, and ollie-ing his way to safety.

This free title not only acts as an advertisement for the popular food chain, but also allows players to rack up as many as 1,000 tickets in-game that can be redeemed toward actual midway prizes! Cue children pleading their parents to make a pizza run in 3... 2... 1...

Chuck E. Cheese's Skate Universe is available for free as a universal app right now.