Be a Buddy, Not a Bully - A Tales of Midlandia Storybook Review

Posted by Amy Solomon on September 6th, 2012
iPad App - Designed for iPad

Be a Buddy, Not a Bully - A Tales of Midlandia Storybook is a very nice storybook about bullying, part of a series of apps taking place in the bold and colorful world of Midlandia, as these apps contain a wonderful sense of style which makes them easily recognizable as well as stand out in a sea of storybooks - each tackling social issues as well as simply being enjoyable to read and interact with.

Enjoyable narration by the story’s author is included as is highlighted text, allowing one to read this book for oneself is an option, as is auto play. Do search these pages for hidden interactions, including some extra dialogue of these characters - always a nice touch.

I am very pleased by the way this storybook app looks, as the included illustrations are full of bright colors and many details, using the pan and zoom technique to focus the reader's attention. I have not, however, found the hidden Easter eggs on either of the two apps from this series that I have enjoyed reading. I do wish hints were included to help those who would still like to find these extras, especially as this is a children’s app.

The story of the Be a Buddy, Not a Bully revolves around kind and gentle farmer Harvest, and bully banker Bo, who insists on digging up Harvest’s land to look for buried treasure and is unwilling to listen to reason when Harvest asks him to stop - instead threatening him with slander, saying he will tell others that Harvest’s fruit is rotten if he is not allowed to keep digging.

Greatly saddened, Harvest writes about his feelings which is later shared with Bo during mediation of sorts, causing Bo to have an epiphany, turning him from bully to buddy of Harvest, concluding with a feel-good ending.

I think this is a worthwhile story children can learn from, with positive points such as Harvest asking for help with his situation as well as Bo learning empathy for his new friend. As an adult, I found it hard to believe the change Bo shows as he develops as a person so greatly, from threatening to spread vicious lies which would greatly affect Harvest’s livelihood to becoming a friend from reading Harvest’s journal about his feelings. Unfortunately, the bully that children may meet most likely will not become evolved human beings as easily as Bo does, possibly leaving children disappointed if their experiences with bullies do not turn out so smoothly.

Having said this, this is a cute and fun story with some nice questions parents can share with their children about what it means to be a bully, why it is wrong and what to do about it.

As this app tackles difficult social issues, this would make a nice story for both home and school settings. I think children will enjoy this tale, the great use of color and happy ending a great deal. Parents may or may not feel the need to explain to their children that dealing with bullies may not work out this way in real life, but this fact does not take away from this being a nice story, as are the others in this series of apps. I hope more apps from Midlandia are developed in the future.