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This Week at 148Apps: June 25-29

Posted by Chris Kirby on July 1st, 2012

This week at 148Apps.com, we celebrated the unbelievable 40th birthday of Atari. Writer Lisa Caplan says, "It’s a tiny bit depressing that many of us here are older than Atari. Still as OG’s (original geeks) most of us equate the name with our and their glory years of gaming. Recently the former giant has been reinventing itself, having previously released their VCS catalog and a few arcade hits in a Greatest Hits package for iOS, and with more recent forays into the App Store like Circus Atari and Centipedes Origins. They are also winding up a contest for indie developers who took their original, maybe the original video game, PONG and remade it for iOS. The finalists have been announced and can be found here. The company turns 40 today and much of the recent flurry of activity is to celebrate the occasion."

Read more about the legacy of Atari at 148Apps.com.

GiggleApps.com stayed topical this week with a review of Avengers Origins: Hulk. Amy Solomon writes, "Avengers Origins: Hulk is a new universal interactive storybook apple ication that introduces the classic Marvel character, the Hulk, to children. I really enjoy this re-telling of such a classic story, narrated by Stan Lee who does an outstanding job as one would expect. I enjoy how this story unfolds, especially for children who may be new to this character as this app opens up with a thoughtful introduction, walking readers through Bruce Banner’s difficult childhood, becoming a scientist and the details of the faithful day that Banner becomes mistakenly affected by gamma radiation, developing the uncontrollable ability to turn into the Hulk when he is angered."

Read more about the Green Goliath's kiddie adventures at GiggleApps.com.

Finally, 148Apps.biz writer Carter Dotson reports that, "A new report by Localytics shows that more users are sticking with their apps, and iOS users are more likely to stick with apps than Android users are. Where in 2010, 26% of users would open up an app once, and the same percentage would use it 11+ times, now only 22% launch an app just once, and 31% will use it 11+ times. This may show that users over time are either starting to find apps that they would show an interest in using long-term, or app quality is starting to increase. The long-term trend will be interesting to see: will users continue to come back to their apps? Or is this a temporary blip?"

Read more about this new research at 148Apps.biz.

And thus ends another exciting week across the 148Apps network. Join our conversation on Facebook or Twitter to learn more about contests, promos, sales and more. See you next week, true believer!

Swipe is a New iPad Magazine that Serves Diverse News and Reviews of all Things iOS

Posted by Lisa Caplan on June 15th, 2012
iPad App - Designed for iPad

Steel Media has worn many hats in the iOS world. They are an iOS ad publisher, publish the website pocketgamer.co.uk, and AppSpy video reviews. They also run The Free App Alliance, the iPhone Alliance and the iPhone and iPad Quality Indexes - meta-review sites dedicated to iOS apps. Who better then, to put out an all iOS magazine than this group? And, they have done just that with Swipe, an HTML 5 built, interactive magazine that will help you decide which apps and accessories you want or even need.

The first issue hit the App Store earlier this week and the launch issue covers some killer iPhone and iPad gear, a top-ten list of best RPGs and it even has a world-exclusive interview with Rovio covering their next game Amazing Alex.

The magazine gets it content from members of the iPhone Alliance community (which includes 148Apps Network sites), which is comprised of the best and most highly vetted global iOS review sites. This gives the magazine breadth and diversity of opinion not found elsewhere. The app really focuses on interactivity, and while it is only available on iPad right now, Steel Media is at work on an iPhone build that will use the smaller screen real estate to maximum advantage.

Swipe is completely free, no subscription or IAPs, so if you grab a copy, be sure to let us know what you think in the comments.