Decide Now Offers Choices and a Contest

Posted by Chantelle Joy Duxbury on October 4th, 2010
+ Universal App - Designed for iPhone and iPad

The design team behind the new Decide Now decisions-making app is running a contest to try and find the most interesting and creative ideas to be added to their app. What's in it for you? Well, a pretty nice Bluetooth headset or one of two iPhone 4 cases, is what. All you need do is give them a neat idea or suggestion, your honest and creative feedback on the app itself and the best three ideas will win the prizes.

Decide Now is an app for those who can't seem to make up their minds. I'm sure I'm not the only one who will instantly think of Office Space's "Jump to Conclusions" mat as the possible inspiration for this app. But the idea makes sense, and I know there are probably a couple times that I'd rather someone decide for me instead of having to think about all the options in a given situation.

What it offers is 10 predefined wheel templates for varying situations. Also, you can create your own custom options, so if you want it to decide what movie you should see, simply enter in each of the movies, and spin the wheel. Leaving it to chance or even letting Decide Now narrow down your choices for any situations might relieve you of any worry or stress associated with tough choices. Although, obviously this is for entertainment purposes -- please people, don't spin this thing for any major life-choices.

The description boasts of different color design options and that the graphics are retina display quality, so this app should be easy on the eyes. Try it out, and if you think you have a brilliant idea on how to improve it, head over to the contest page website and enter the contest. Not only will you help make the app better, but you could be walking away with a sweet new case or better still, bluetooth headset. The contest started September 28th, and runs until October 10th! Good luck!