Physics Platformer iO Rolls its Way onto the App Store

Posted by Jessica Fisher on February 23rd, 2015
+ Universal App - Designed for iPhone and iPad

Gamious and BluBox Games have just launched iO, a physics platformer where you are a speedy puck using gravity manipulation, portals, and vehicles to solve puzzles. You'll also be able to grow, shrink, roll, leap, and climb your way through more than 150 puzzles. And the global leader boards allow you to compete against anyone around the world while you rack up the achievements.

iO was the winner of the Global Game Jam 2012, an IndieCade 2015 Finalist, received an honorable mention for the “GDC Best In Play 2015,” and is featured as a “Best New Game” exclusively on the App Store.

You can download iO for $2.99 right now.