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Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic goes 60% Off to Mark Star Wars Day

Posted by Tre Lawrence on May 2nd, 2014
+ Universal App - Designed for iPhone and iPad
Our rating: starstarstarstarstar :: JEDI MASTER :: Read Review »

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic is going on sale to mark "Star Wars Day," and it's a sale that May the Fourth enthusiasts can love: for a limited time, it will be 60% off.

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic is the iOS port of the popular RPG adventure in the same vein as Dungeons and Dragons; we had an opportunity to review it last year. Is is currently available for $3.99 (down from $9.99) on the App Store.

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Celebates Its 10th Anniversary, Slashes Its Price In Half

Posted by Andrew Stevens on July 12th, 2013
+ Universal App - Designed for iPhone and iPad
Our rating: starstarstarstarstar :: JEDI MASTER :: Read Review »

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic is celebrating its 10th year anniversary by making the game available for half off its original price, for a limited time only. In our review, Carter Dotson mentions, "It’s an absolute classic that modern gamers need to play. Unlike many classics, it holds up incredibly well to this day, and advances on what games can do."

Go journey into this great adventure, and may the force be with you!

Help, I'm Lost on Taris: Learning the Ins and Outs of Star Wars: Knights of The Old Republic

Posted by Carter Dotson on May 30th, 2013
+ Universal App - Designed for iPhone and iPad
Our rating: starstarstarstarstar :: JEDI MASTER :: Read Review »

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic is a huge game. Especially when starting out, you will get lost. Here's some tips to help you out on your way early on.

Choose wisely, padawan.

Choosing a class and starting attributes without having ever gotten to play the game is rough, because it really takes getting in to the game and playing it a lot to realize just what is possible, and the path you might want to take with your characters.

If you're the type that prefers beating people down and being the tank, then the Soldier class is for you. Scoundrels are best at most non-combat abilities like Persuasion and Security, meaning Jedi mind tricks and breaking in to doors. Scouts provide a balance between the two. However, there's two things to consider when choosing a class early on: one, it's possible to travel with a party of three, so even if one play style is preferred, it's possible to have party members fill a different but useful role. Two, the main character is always gonna be there, and there's certain skills like Persuasion that only they can really use. So, why not have them focus on that? Use the wookiee to beat stuff up.

Focus, you must.

Jack of all trades, master of none. That saying is a warning in KotOR. You're going to get the best effects and stat bonuses by choosing to focus on particular paths, whether it be a certain set of combat skills, or going down the Dark or Light Side path. Have a plan and stick to it and you'll get the best results. Again, if you're worried about any deficiencies, remember that you have three party members and can control any individual character, so you can cover most any area of expertise at any time if your party is set up accordingly.

Blow it up like Alderaan.

Your first playthrough is going to be one giant mass of confusion. Taris, the first planet, is big and confusing and you will get lost often. Plus, you won't quite know what everything in and out of combat is until you experience it in the game.

By the time you're ready to leave Taris, you've gotten to experience the gist of the game's elements, so this is time to make a decision: do you want to keep going with your selected main character? Don't be afraid to start anew at this point. It will take significantly less time to get back to where you started, and odds are, you'll be far more satisfied with the results. And if not, hey, there's multiple save slots for a reason. Use them!

Exploit the game like the Death Star's exhaust port!

Need a quick heal? If you can warp out the area on the map screen, you can get healed instantly and for free. And unlike on the Xbox, loading is so brief that you'll save yourself thousands of credits on medpacks.

If you have a tough Persuasion roll, know that some characters can be re-rolled by going through the conversation again. This doesn't always work, but consider it. Just quicksave before making any important decisions.

The structure of the game isn't perfect - you'll discover the gaps and how to take advantage of them as time goes on.

Google is more powerful than the Force

This is a console/PC game from 2003 that's based on Dungeons and Dragons which is even older than that. There is a lot of info out there. Don't be afraid to use it if you're confused or get stuck. StrategyWiki's KOTOR guide has a fantastic database of numbers and information. IGN has a great guide with plenty of visual aids if you get stuck. GameFAQs can pretty much fill in the rest, because hey - it's GameFAQs and KotOR was originally released in the prime era of GameFAQs' existence.

Have fun.

Of course, part of the fun of KotOR is the ability to dig in and find a lot of this stuff out yourself. Don't just follow the guides. Experiment! The quicksave and multiple save slots are there for a reason. Explore! There's a lot to find, and when you discover it yourself, it's the most satisfying.

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic - The first 30 minutes

Posted by Jeff Scott on May 30th, 2013
+ Universal App - Designed for iPhone and iPad
Our rating: starstarstarstarstar :: JEDI MASTER :: Read Review »

We got a chance earlier this week to take a deep look at Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. It's a very long and involved RPG style game set in the Star Wars universe many years before Episode 1. KotOR has hours and hours of gameplay, and here's just a bit of those many hours to whet your appetite for the real thing.

SAT Prep Game Available on iOS

Posted by Brad Hilderbrand on November 5th, 2010
+ Universal App - Designed for iPhone and iPad

Aspyr and Kaplan have announced that they're teaming up to bring their SAT Prep game, futureU to the iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad. The game was originally launched on PC and the Nintendo DS, and features a number of mini-games which are designed to focus specifically in the reading, writing and math sections of the well-known college admissions test. The core version of the game is available for free on the iTunes Store, and four extended study levels are available for $1.99 each.

“As the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch play an increasing role in how students receive their information, it made sense for us to expand the futureU SAT test prep game to this mobile platform,” said Kaplan’s Executive Director of Pre-College Programs Kristen Campbell “Aspyr’s ability to deliver engaging games to students across multiple-platforms has enabled us to bring futureU to a new audience of SAT preppers.”

So in addition to traditional study books, courses and flashcards students can now cram for the single most stressful exam of their lives on their mobile devices. It's sort of ingenious yet horrifying all at once, as now you truly can take your test prep with you anywhere you go. Just looking at the screenshots of the app is bringing back a wave of sick nostalgia that makes me glad I'm not in high school anymore.

For technology-minded teens though this app may be a godsend, as it gives them a method to study that requires neither book nor sharpened number 2 pencil. Is a high school student more likely to pull out their iPhone to study than they are to text friends or update their Facebook status? Probably not, but at least it's something there to remind them, and maybe even spur them into expanding their vocabulary or working out a couple algebra problems while they're waiting to hear where everyone's meeting up for tonight. You've got to celebrate the small victories, right?

[via FingerGaming]