Liqua Pop Review
iPhone App
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Liqua Pop Review

Our Review by Jennifer Allen on March 14th, 2011
Rating: starstarstarhalfstarblankstar :: LIMITED
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Liqua Pop offers style over substance in this beautiful Match Three puzzler.

Developer: Electronic Arts
Price: $1.99
Version Reviewed: 1.0.9
Device Reviewed On: iPhone 4

Graphics / Sound Rating: starstarstarstarblankstar
Game Controls Rating: starstarstarhalfstarblankstar
Gameplay Rating: starstarstarblankstarblankstar
Replay Value Rating: starstarstarblankstarblankstar

Overall Rating: starstarstarhalfstarblankstar

Liqua Pop is a luscious game to look at. It's bright and attractive to play along with and it evokes a soothing atmosphere, even with its mildly distracting drip dropping sound effects. It doesn't really feel like it offers much new to the Match Three genre however, plus it's a bit pricier than many other games within the genre.

The concept as always is very similar. Drops of colored water cascade down the screen and you have to drag them together thus creating bigger drops and destroying them after a few seconds of waiting. One brief innovation comes in the form of shaking your iOS device in order to pop the bubbles faster. Also, inside some of the droplets are bugs which can then affect what happens next such as one bug type that once it explodes, it changes all surrounding droplets to the same color.

In the early stages, Liqua Pop is simple enough to progress through the levels and you'll find yourself playing this more to relax than anything else. Later on though, the stages get faster and require quicker reactions to match the respective colors up. It's an enjoyable experience but after a while you can't help but wonder what the point is. There's no great structure to things, you just keep playing and playing in order to gain the best high score.

Annoyingly you can't even compare high scores very easily as Facebook integration is used to do this rather than something more appropriate such as Game Center or OpenFeint. It all just feels a bit expensive for what's here. There's only the one mode of play when the addition of a relaxing Endless mode would have been nice and would feel like you've paid for quality.

Liqua Pop is fine but why should you have to put up with fine when for $2 you could buy something that's great? Heck you could buy a couple of excellent games for that price instead. The shaking method to destroy the droplets is a nice touch but Liqua Pop still feels like something that either needs a price drop or some extra features to make it truly worth a purchase.

iPhone Screenshots

(click to enlarge)

Liqua Pop screenshot 1 Liqua Pop screenshot 2 Liqua Pop screenshot 3 Liqua Pop screenshot 4 Liqua Pop screenshot 5
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