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Our Review by Jeff Scott on August 4th, 2008
Rating: starstarstarblankstarblankstar :: SHORT LIVED FUN
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A fun toy -- but something you will get tired of quickly.

Developer: Hottrix
Price: $2.99
Version Reviewed: 1.0

iBeer is a fairly well done little gag program that you can use to amuse your friends. While this is a fairly well done application, the fun is over quickly.

The idea of this is best explained in the demo movie below. Basically you are simulating drinking a beer from your iPhone / iPod Touch. The accelerometer is used to show the level of the beer -- and the level goes down as you simulate a pour. Take a look:

[youtube 8grJ4t9WVcw]

You will soon find that everyone you know has seen this already. Still, it's a fun little toy to play with. The price is a little high, but looks like the developers are still working on this -- so who knows what's in store.

iPhone Screenshots

(click to enlarge)

iBeer Pro - Drink beer on your iPhone screenshot 1 iBeer Pro - Drink beer on your iPhone screenshot 2 iBeer Pro - Drink beer on your iPhone screenshot 3 iBeer Pro - Drink beer on your iPhone screenshot 4 iBeer Pro - Drink beer on your iPhone screenshot 5

iPad Screenshots

(click to enlarge)

iBeer Pro - Drink beer on your iPhone screenshot 6 iBeer Pro - Drink beer on your iPhone screenshot 7 iBeer Pro - Drink beer on your iPhone screenshot 8 iBeer Pro - Drink beer on your iPhone screenshot 9 iBeer Pro - Drink beer on your iPhone screenshot 10
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