Detective Grimoire Review
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Detective Grimoire Review

Our Review by Lucy Ingram on January 9th, 2014
Rating: starstarstarstarhalfstar :: A CRIME TO MISS
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Great voice-acting, interesting gameplay, and top-notch animations set Detective Grimoire apart from the masses in a fantastic crime-solving adventure.

Developer: Armor Games Inc
Price: $3.99
Version Reviewed: 1.0.1
App Reviewed on: iPad Air

Graphics / Sound Rating: starstarstarstarstar 
User Interface Rating: starstarstarstarhalfstar
Gameplay Rating: starstarstarstarblankstar
Re-use / Replay Value Rating: starstarstarstarblankstar

Overall Rating: starstarstarstarhalfstar

If there is any game genre that really hooks me it’s a great detective game. From Phoenix Wright to modern greats like LA Noire, there’s just something exciting about becoming invested in a thought-provoking mystery. The best element of these light-hearted episodic detective adventures is the host of interesting characters that one will happen on along the journey, and Detective Grimoire is a great example of this.

The game presents itself similar to a point-and-click adventure, where players move from one screen to another investigating hotspots and picking up various clues along the way. Where Detective Grimoire differs is the interesting variation between clue-solving methods; which not only include a small assortment of puzzles, but also involve progression through the story by having to present the correct clue or subject to the right character. In its own original unique style, players must piece together various clues and situations to answer questions involving any of the clues that have been discovered along the way and, upon uncovering them, will be able to unlock a special challenge mode that will further the investigation more.

What is so charming about Detective Grimoire is that the manner in which the game presents itself gives off a feeling that the player is literally sitting inside the head of the Detective himself. The majority of the game is indeed easy to fly through, but it progresses in such a way that it feels like most of the work is of the players own doing.

One brownie point for this game in particular is the manner in which it allows the player to solve the mystery at their own pace and of their own accord. Plenty of hints and a small nudge in the right direction and the game will have them back in the driver’s seat.

The dialogue, which is fully voice acted by a handful of great voice actors, is catchy and entertaining with some genuine laugh-out-loud moments, and the mixed bag of characters makes for an entertaining storyline. In all honesty, the flashy animations and interesting art style sold the game entirely for me, and as a whole, the game is perfect for those who want to get their detective hats on. Missing Detective Grimoire would be a crime in itself.

iPhone Screenshots

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Detective Grimoire screenshot 1 Detective Grimoire screenshot 2 Detective Grimoire screenshot 3 Detective Grimoire screenshot 4 Detective Grimoire screenshot 5

iPad Screenshots

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Detective Grimoire screenshot 6 Detective Grimoire screenshot 7 Detective Grimoire screenshot 8 Detective Grimoire screenshot 9 Detective Grimoire screenshot 10
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