Boximize Review Boximize Review
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Boximize Review

Our Review by Jennifer Allen on May 21st, 2014
Rating: starstarstarstarhalfstar :: POWERFUL ORGANIZING
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Want to create a collection of notes? Or simply track your movie collection? Or your exercise routines? Boximize does all of that and more!

Developer: Mostafa Ashour
Price: $1.99
Version Reviewed: 1.0
Device Reviewed On: iPhone 5

iPhone Integration Rating: starstarstarstarblankstar
User Interface Rating: starstarstarstarhalfstar
Re-use Value Rating: starstarstarstarhalfstar

Overall Rating: starstarstarstarhalfstar

Immediately, Boximize strikes one to be a classy organizational app. It oozes that iOS 7 feel that one can't help but love. It's intuitive to use yet it's pleasantly powerful, adapting to numerous different scenarios. Its only real flaw is its lack of integration with other services, otherwise it's a great app for organizing one's life or interests.

Boximize works on the basis of collections. Hit that add button and it's possible to add a new collection of many different things. These vary from fun things such as a movie collection or recipes list, to audio notes, business cards, or an exercise log. In each case, the collection comes with some relevant structured notes. For instance, add an audio notes collection and Boximize allows one to include numerous audio notes from the iOS device. Create a movie collection and Boximize appreciates that one probably wants to include plot summary, genre, and IMDb details. This is an app that's great at adapting.

26 different types of collection have already been created, but for those who want something a bit more specific it's possible to create a new one. Simply yet powerfully done, users can add text fields relating to what they need. Those include different forms of media, times, text fields, choices, ratings, and even a stop watch facility.

It's powerful stuff but Boximize's real strength is the fact that it always feels welcoming to all users. Underneath that shell, it's quite a complex database of options but it never feels that way. Setup doesn't take long for an original collection and the pre-existing ones are great for a multitude of different situations anyhow.

The only truly significant issue here is that there's no way of syncing elsewhere through Boximize. For important data, this is essential but also it's just plain useful for anything else. For some users, this will be less important but it's still something that stops Boximize from quite reaching the heights of an Editor's Choice award. For now, at least.

iPhone Screenshots

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iPad Screenshots

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Apple Watch Screenshots

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