Babeorella Review
iPhone App
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Babeorella Review

Our Review by Jason Fanguy on April 16th, 2010
Rating: starstarstarhalfstarblankstar :: BUXOM BLASTER
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Babeorella is a fun and engaging game, but, like many busty, scantily-clad babes, is relatively shallow and lacks the depth needed to justify its hefty price tag.

Developer: Kuju Entertainment, Ltd.
Price: $2.99
Version Reviewed:

Graphics / Sound Rating: starstarstarblankstarblankstar
Game Controls Rating: starstarstarstarblankstar
Gameplay Rating: starstarstarstarblankstar
Replay Value Rating: starstarstarblankstarblankstar

Overall Rating: starstarstarhalfstarblankstar

I have a weakness for iDevice dual-action shooters. I also have a weakness for busty, scantily-clad babes. In the rare chance the two are combined to form a super-happy-terrific game, my innate, buxom-boosted 6th sense kicks in and I wallow through the app store until I find the target of my desire: In this case, Babeorella.

Babeorella is a campy, arena-style survival game which pays homage to B-movie, sci-fi heroines. The game pits its bodacious heroine against waves of on-coming, relentless killer robots hell-bent on destroying her for having the audacity to crash her spaceship on their asteroid. How blonde of her!

Game play in Babeorella centers around the heroine’s survival, using busty-powered prowess and a variety of upgradeable weapons and power-ups to dispatch wave after wave of killer robots. The longer she lasts, the more upgrades she earns, as well as the ability to unlock additional, fabulous wardrobe changes.
The game’s controls consist of a virtual D-pad in the lower, left corner of the screen and Heavy Attack, Light Attack and Special buttons in the lower, right corner of the screen, which control Babeorella’s attacks.

Babeorella has three different attack distance modes: Short, Medium and Long. Players can attack from all three distances using the Heavy or Light attack buttons and weapon selection automatically changes, based on Babeorella’s distance from her enemies, e.g. attacking from long distances using Heavy attack produces a cannon, while Light attack uses a blaster. The Special button (minds out of the gutter, gentlemen) allows Babeorella to dash and use Bimbo Bombs. Babeorella’s health status, score, wave number and multiplier number are located in the upper, left corner of the screen. Power-ups, such as Health, XP and Invincibility are also available in various areas on the map.

While Babeorella is a fun and engaging game, game play is relegated to only one level and the sound track, which does blend nicely with the theme of the game, can become annoying. Also, the ability to unlock different outfits for Babeorella (3 total) is a nice touch, but ultimately adds nothing to the game’s replay value. A downloadable content option is available, but currently features nothing to download.

All said, Babeorella is charming and fun to play. Trying to best your previous high score is fun and adds to the game’s replay value, but not much. Hopefully, its developers will add features in the future, such as different maps, etc. to boost re-playability. In its current state, however, Babeorella feeds the busty, scantily-clad babe stereotype by providing players with a relatively shallow game play experience which lacks depth needed to justify its hefty price tag.

iPhone Screenshots

(click to enlarge)

Babeorella screenshot 1 Babeorella screenshot 2 Babeorella screenshot 3 Babeorella screenshot 4 Babeorella screenshot 5
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