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Extra Interactivity Added To Social TV App Umami

Posted by Jennifer Allen on February 24th, 2012

Increasing numbers of people use their phones and tablets while watching TV. I'm one of those people, enjoying the opportunity to interact with friends via social networks and discuss the latest shows as they happen. Umami came out last November, offering a simple to use portal for users to interact with their favorite shows, whether that be through social feeds or checking out cast information and episode details.

Now, just in time for the Oscars ceremony, Umami has been updated to include Pinterest style features. Users will now be able to instantly capture, and share via Facebook and Twitter, images from the shows they're watching. It's the kind of feature that's truly going to come into its own during events such as the Oscars Red Carpet, where a flurry of people across the world love to discuss what outfit works and what was a big failure.

Alongside this "FreezeFrame" technology, a new TV dashboard has been added in the form of "Dishboard" allowing users to check real-time infographics for all their favorite shows. It also identifies the most popular links and tweets that are trending for a specific show.

For the social TV watcher, Umami just got even more essential.

Umami Brings the Second Screen to the iPad

Posted by Carter Dotson on November 10th, 2011

The idea of the "second screen" during TV viewing has arisen recently, as TV watchers increasingly use their phones and now tablets while watching TV. An app called Umami is now available that allows users to interact with their TV shows as they're on. Users can see social feeds from the general public and show cast members, browse information on recent episodes, and more. Some shows offer interactive elements such as polls for users to share their opinions, along with Twitter and Facebook support. The app uses audio fingerprinting recognition to detect what show is currently being watched, and to automatically pull up the correct show and episode information. This doesn't just work with live TV; recorded shows that have recently aired can also be matched by the app. Shows can also be manually pulled up by users if they want to look up another show while not watching TV or watching something else. Umami is available now for free from the App Store.