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Tag: Sweepstakes ยป

Apple Starts the Countdown to 25 Billion Apps

Posted by Brad Hilderbrand on February 17th, 2012

[caption id="attachment_112234" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Courtesy of Morris"]

[/caption]Today is a momentous day, as Apple is counting down to the 25 billionth app downloaded from the App Store. Take a moment to wrap your head around this, that's roughly 3.5 apps for every single person on the planet Earth. You can check out Apple's countdown clock and watch it tick towards the magic number: how else are you going to spend a Friday afternoon? Working? Pah, that's for chumps.

Also, Apple is goosing things along by promising that whoever nabs the 25 billionth app will win a $10,000 App Store gift card. While that won't buy you every single app ever released it will go a very long way to ensuring you have the most robust collection of games, tools and utilities this side of Cupertino. You better act fast though, because that ticker is moving awfully quick and we fully expect the winning app to be downloaded within the next few hours.

So let us just say congrats to Apple on this momentous occasion. Now if only they would give us a dollar for every app downloaded.

Readdle Giving Away iPads

Posted by Brad Hilderbrand on November 24th, 2010

If you've already checked out our massive list of Black Friday sales then you may have noticed a few cool apps from Readdle available for great prices. Well it seems they're a company that keeps on giving, as they've also announced that they'll be giving away three lucky winners a free iPad.

In order to enter into the sweepstakes you must answer me these questions three. No wait, that's not right, but you do have to take the following steps:

1. Own any Readdle app
2. Follow @Readdle on Twitter
3. Send out the following Tweet sometime between November 24-30: "Readdle Apps #BlackFriday Sale. Follow @readdle, RT to win an #iPad: http://readdle.com/blackfriday"

Once you've completed all the tasks set before you you'll be entered to win one of Apple's wonder tablets. In order to cause general jealousy amongst friends and family we recommend if you win that you wrap the iPad and then place it under the tree with a card addressed to you from Santa. Then act shocked when you open it and snidely comment how you must have been so much nicer over the past year than everyone else in order to be worthy of such an amazing present.

We'll take this opportunity to say good luck to everyone who enters and please know that we're already jealous of you even before you've won. Just because we write about the iPad doesn't mean we can actually afford it so congratulations, you're better than us.

If you've got any questions or want to check out the official rules then head on over to Readdle's Black Friday page and have a look around. Otherwise enjoy your Thanksgiving weekend, especially since you'll be using it to gather up as many horseshoes, rabbits' feet and four-leaf clovers as you can find.