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Tag: Stephen Hawking's Snapshots of the Universe »

Stephen Hawking's Snapshots of the Universe Price Reduced to $3.99 for Today Only

Posted by Andrew Stevens on January 29th, 2014
iPad App - Designed for iPad

Stephen Hawking's Snapshots of the Universe is available for the discounted price of $3.99 for today only. The app is celebrating the premier of a PBS documentary where Hawking provides the viewers with a personal look into his world. The documentary airs tonight at 10/9c.

Stephen Hawking's Snapshots of the Universe Teaches Users Scientific Details About the Universe

Posted by Andrew Stevens on December 16th, 2013
iPad App - Designed for iPad

Stephen Hawking's Snapshots of the Universe is an app that teaches users about the principles that control our universe. It covers a variety of things - including why planets stay in orbit, why stars aren't always located where we think they are, and how our understanding has evolved over time. It also covers topics like black holes, time, and gravity. The app is now available to purchase for $4.99.

"This app provides a great opportunity to introduce Professor Hawking's teachings to a whole new audience, through an entirely new medium," said Scott Shannon in a press release, the Senior Vice President and Publisher of Digital Content at Random House. "We are very proud to continue our publishing tradition with Professor Hawking, now across more platforms than ever."