Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader Bring the Force to Star Wars: Commander Later This Week

Posted by Jessica Fisher on December 8th, 2014
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Disney Interactive is adding Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader to their popular game, Star Wars: Commander. As you uncover the Rebel’s secret plans you can choose to join them in defending the Er’Kit people with Luke, or destroy them with the villainous Darth Vader.

This is their first appearance in the game, and they'll have special abilities that you can activate during gameplay. Darth Vader's standard ability is a melee attack with his lightsaber. Luke Skywalker, on the other hand, uses his blaster in ranged attacks. You can only use them during the campaign.

Star Wars: Commander also now has Tiered Event Rewards. As you play the campaign, you can unlock and upgrade new and existing units with Points earned during the events. Last, but not least, the update comes with additional limited-time units like the Rebel Starship Strike, A–Wing; Empire Starship Strike, TIE Advanced; and the Rebel Infantry Unit, Vanguard.

This Star Wars: Commander update is huge, and will be released Thursday, December 11.