Toca Kitchen 2
Price: $0.99
Version Reviewed: 1.1
App Reviewed on: iPad 3
Graphics / Sound Rating:

Storytelling/Gameplay Rating:

Intuitiveness Rating:

Re-use / Replay Value Rating:

Overall Rating:

Toca Kitchen 2 is a companion to the popular Toca Kitchen - a favorite digital toy for both children and adults. I admire Toca Boca for their willingness to update their apps as well as to develop new versions of their creations in order to continue to challenge the creativity of young people in their various Toca Hair Salon apps, as well as Toca Kitchen apps - be it Kitchen Monsters, the original Toca Kitchen, and now Toca Kitchen 2.
A few things have changed from the most recent update of Toca Kitchen; specifically the ability to combine ingredients both in the cooking process as well as on the plate to serve. The other major change here is the use of 3D graphics - as also seen in Toca Nature - when representing the three customers, as well as using muted shades of food textures to replicate the ingredients instead of the bright and colorful food illustrations I was fond of in the original app.
I miss the whimsy and charm seen in the artist's representation of good things to eat. Instead I find the level of authenticity here to be a bit off-putting as the colors used to style these foods, at least when raw, seem bland and unappetizing - possibly an issue as this app strives to create dimensions. By trying to make the spherical nature of the potato or broccoli top pop from the screen, the depth and shadows created tend to make the food look grey and aged past its prime. I do, however, admire the ability to select multiple foods to cook at once - great for making stir fry, complex smoothies, and balanced meals containing protein, vegetables, and bread or potatoes. This app contains more of a prep area where plates of different foods can be organized as well as prepared together while using items such as a knife, blender, frying pan, boiling water, and an oven for baking.
Even with this important note, I still enjoy cooking a complete meal within Toca Kitchen 2. However, I would greatly appreciate the ability to plate these foods in a deliberate fashion instead of the elements of my dish falling from the sky, sometimes missing the plate completely as they are dropped in front of the hungry character in a grotesque fashion that does not resemble the meal I thought I was preparing - issues that bothered me less in Toca Kitchen, where the food was served with a subtle side toss from the lateral cooking area of the app instead of being dumped long distance from over the head of the character who has sat down to eat.
I do find the use of 3D images and realistic food textures to be a double-edged sword as these images will be appealing to some, opening the door to realism yet not going far enough. Having said this, I am quite fond of these changes being made into a different app from the first Toca Kitchen, keeping it unaffected by the new look. There is still a lot of quality and polish within Toca Kitchen 2, even though the style is not quite my cup of tea. Children will no doubt be entertained by all the ingredient choices and possible combos to be made. This app may have been one that I overthought a bit, but I simply did not find it as appealing as its illustrated predecessor, and the limitations here are front and center.