Task Tracker Utility Review
Price: $1.99
Version: 1.0.0
App Reviewed on: iPad
iPhone Integration Rating:

User Interface Rating:

Re-use Value Rating:

Overall Rating:

Task Tracker is essentially a timer app for up to 15 projects. It is as easy as adding in a project and project description, tapping the play button, and slaving away on your work. When you are done, either hit the pause button to stop the timer on your current task, or hit the stop button to signal the task is completed. You can even add in task names and descriptions to help you when you go to write up your bill. So much for pencils and erasers.
The interface for Task Tracker is easy to navigate. You can have 15 timers all running at once, though that would be some serious multitasking. The timers continue to run even when the app is sent to the background. A nice touch is a little number displaying in the upper right hand corner of the app icon to let you know just how many timers you have running. This really does make time tracking a breeze.
The one area that could use some improvement is in the tasks within each project. Pausing the timer will stop timing you for your current task. Hitting the stop button ends timing for that specific task. The issue lies in adding time to an earlier task. You cannot choose a task like database design and continue to add your billable time to it. You must create a new task. On the flipside, the app does display dates for each task. It does mean you have to do a bit of mathematical work if you just want to submit on line item displaying work done on one specific task.
If you have a need to track your billable time on projects, or just want to time how long it takes you to complete your latest work of art, this app makes it nice and easy to do. Being able to add time to specific tasks would be nice, but that is a minor gripe.