Letter Quest: Grimm's Journey Review
Price: FREE
Version Reviewed: 1.0
Device Reviewed On: iPhone 5
Graphics / Sound Rating:

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Overall Rating:

Letter Quest: Grimm's Journey is a title that aims to stick around for a while to come. Encapsulating elements more reminiscent of an Endless Runner (the quests system) and some word game finery, it's a potent mix and terrific fun all round.
For instance, some enemies require a certain number of letters or more to be used in order to inflict damage. Some tiles can become cracked, reducing their point score to zero, others can be afflicted with a plague causing no damage and spreading to other tiles at a dangerous rate. These small occurrences must all be taken into account as one finds themselves up against increasingly stiff competition.
Pitched so well, Letter Quest: Grimm's Journey is a blast to play. It's easily the kind of game worthy of sticking around on one's iOS device and I certainly found myself keen to return for more. Simple to learn and play for any length of time, there's plenty of longevity and fun to be had here.